June 3, 2008


School's out and we are ready for some summer fun! I love to see summer through the eyes of my kids.....sleeping in, swimming pools, waterparks, sleepovers....three months of endless fun! Life has seemed a little overwhelming lately - so full and busy - decisions to make, plans to work through....Yet, today it all faded away as we put on the sunscreen and headed to the pool. I hope you'll take some time to slow down, get out your sunglasses, read a great book, put on your favorite music, and enjoy a great summer day like you did when you were a kid!

June 2, 2008

Becoming Like Him

I was asked a question this morning - "How are you becoming more like Christ?" It came up in our weekly staff meeting. We were asked to discuss it with a small group at our table. It was such a hard question to answer... Am I becoming more like Christ? I hope so. What am I doing to become more like Christ? Is there any evidence in my life of Christlikeness? Am I really growing to be more like Him?
It just so happens that today is my son's 4th birthday. He's my youngest. It's hard to believe that my baby is now such an incredible little man. He's changed so much over the last 4 years. It is impossible to miss all of the ways that he is growing. He's smart and funny - very clever for such a little guy. He's learning how to relate with people. He's talking more and more. He's grown more understanding, thoughtful, and compassionate. He's becoming more and more aware of all that is going on around him. I'm so proud of this amazing little guy. He's more like His Daddy every day!
But, what about my life? Have I changed over the last 4 years? Could anyone see a difference in me? Do I look more like Christ than I did a few years ago? Am I growing in my knowledge and understanding of His Word? Am I growing in mercy and compassion? Do I show the world who Christ really is? Does His glory shine forth in my life?
I hope so! All I know, is that I'm going to keep seeking Him. I want to dig into His truth and know Him more and more. I want to give Him every part of my heart and mind so that His will can be done in me. I know there is still MUCH growth that needs to happen in me, but I'll keep seeking, keep surrendering, and trust the Lord to transform me into His image. I can't imagine anything more beautiful!
What about you? Are you becoming more like Him? Let's seek Him together, trusting that He will finish the work He has begun in our lives. What a mighty God we serve!